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JGMS Family Newsletter 8/19-8/23

Posted Date: 8/18/24 (2:00 PM)

Macias Ramos
A message from your Administrators
Hello Bobcat Families!
We had a great WOW week last week! Thank you to Ms. Chavez and ASB for designing and executing a week filled with amazing spirit days and fun filled daily activities for all of our bobcats! It was definitely a week to remember!

This week we will have our Back to School Night on Tuesday from 6:00-8:00. This year, we will not have bells during Back to School Night, which means that you can visit all of your student's classes in whichever order and duration of your choosing. We will also have Jamba Juice for sale! We cannot wait to see you on Tuesday!

Ms. Ramos-Principal
Ms. Macias-Assistant Principal
A room full of empty desks
Reminders For This Week!
  • Back To School Night on Tuesday the 20th from 6:00-8:00pm
  • Athletic Try-outs start this week! See schedule Below!
  • 1st ELAC meeting of the year is on Thursday at 5:30pm! Join us!
Lunch Time Reminders
  • Lunch is only allowed to be dropped off for your own student. This is for the the safety for all of our JGMS students.
  • Please refrain from passing food through the gates to any student.
  • We do not accept Door Dash, Uber Eats, or any other food delivery app orders for any students, per our student handbook guidelines.

Cell Phone Reminders
  • Cell phones, airpods, and all are to remain in backpacks on silent or turned off for the entirety of the day.
  • devices are not allowed to be used during breaks or lunch
  • If students have electronic devices out, they will first be given a warning to put device way.
  • After one warning, the device will be confiscated and kept in the front office and returned after school
  • Students who have their devices taken more than once will to have them picked up by a parent or someone one their emergency contact list
  • All students were given these expectations in our welcome assemblies as well as in their own classes, we also announce these on our morning announcements daily

Example calendar with dates pinned
Parking Lot Reminders
As we are starting the new year, please remember the following guidelines. for our pick-up and drop off procedures. Our parking lot gets quite busy daily, and we want to ensure the safety of all of our students and staff.

1. If you arrive early PLEASE, always pull forward. The more room we make for one another, the easier it is to drop off and pick up.
2. Do not stop in the middle of the lot for long periods of time. Drop off and pick up should only take a few seconds.
3. Please make sure your Bobcat is ready with their backpack and materials before you enter the lot.
4.The lane closest to the parking spots is not for stopping. Please keep this lane moving, as it helps the flow of traffic in the parking lot.
5.BE KIND to one another. We all have the same goal: to get our Bobcats to school, and home from school safely. 

You may see me, Ms. Macias, and our supervisors out guiding traffic and asking you to move your car. Please be respectful, as we are doing our best to keep all of our students and staff safe. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Bobcat Of The Week!
Mrs. Craig
This Week's Bobcat of the Weeek!
This Week's Bobcat of the Week is the amazing Mrs. Michelle Craig! Michelle Craig is one of our incredible RSP teachers on campus and our SPED lead teacher! Below are some things that her colleagues said about her this week!

"Michelle has been supporting all Sped students, not just those on her caseload"

"Mrs. Craig has been a huge help with the SPED students. She also brought me Crocs to wear today!"

"Michelle went above and beyond preparing the most organized IEP binders for the teachers, dividers, print outs, everything..."

Way to go, Mrs. Craig, we love you!
Upcoming Events!
Literacy Night
Literacy Night Span
What a week to be a Bobcat!
PD 1
Lawn chair Lunch!
Spirt Gear
Pj Day
PJ Day 2
PJ day 3
Meteor Shower
Clique Day
Clique Day
Clique Day
6th Grade Rally
6th Grade Rally
Lawn chair lunch
Spirit Day
Headband Day
Meteor Shower
Dodge Ball
Dodge Ball